We’re a UK agency of world-class designers, developers & creators

Our team of skilled digital marketing experts have an impressive international background, so you can trust that they have the expertise to handle whatever you need. And the best part? You’ll get a dedicated specialist who’s ready to start working with you right away – all at a price that fits your budget.


Our story

We are passionate about helping businesses succeed and grow through honest, transparent customer reviews. We believe that customers should be able to make informed decisions based on real feedback from other customers — not just the companies they’re buying from. That’s why we have developed an intuitive platform which allows businesses to easily manage, audit and display their customer reviews in one place.



At The Review Site we strive to bridge the gap between customers and businesses, providing valuable insights that help shape better customer experiences. We are proud of our commitment to provide reliable, trustworthy reviews and ratings, ensuring customers feel empowered when they share their opinions online. This is what sets us apart from other review services — our dedication to creating a safe and secure platform for customers to make their voices heard.

How We Operate

We take great pride in overseeing our team’s efforts and ensuring that we provide exceptional service to our clients. Below is a basic overview of our policies and procedures. We recommend familiarising yourself with them.



The purpose of this Independent Review Verification Process is to ensure the authenticity, accuracy, and integrity of customer feedback posted on our website. By implementing a transparent and unbiased verification procedure, we aim to enhance trust among users and maintain the credibility of the reviews shared



This policy applies to all customer feedback and reviews posted on our website.


Review Submissions

Customers can submit reviews through the website’s designated review submission portal or any other independent platforms those are approved by us. Reviews must include essential information such as order/purchase details, product/service experience, and any relevant attachments.


Pre-Verification Process

Upon review submission, the system automatically generates a unique review ID for each submission to facilitate tracking and reference.

The review is checked for compliance with best practices guidelines, profanity, and any other offensive content. Reviews that violate these guidelines will be rejected or flagged for further review.

Automated checks are performed to detect any potential duplicate reviews.


Verification Criteria

Consistency: The review’s details align with the company’s records.

Plausibility: The review’s content is plausible and relevant to the product/service in question.

Specificity: The review provides specific information about the customer’s experience.


Verified Badge

Reviews that successfully pass the verification process are tagged with a “Verified” badge, indicating that they have been independently verified.

The Verified badge enhances the credibility of the review and provides users with confidence in the feedback’s authenticity.


Feedback Resolution

If discrepancies arise during the verification process, the reviewer is contacted for clarification.

If the reviewer fails to provide adequate clarification within a reasonable timeframe, the review may be rejected or published without the Verified badge.


Appeal Process

Reviewers have the right to appeal if their review is rejected or not verified.
An appeal can be submitted through a designated channel, where the reviewer can provide additional evidence to support their review’s authenticity.
The appeal will be reviewed by a separate team to ensure an impartial evaluation.


Transparency and Reporting

We maintain transparency by sharing general information about the verification process on the website.
We provide users with the option to report reviews that they suspect are fraudulent or inauthentic.
Periodic reports detailing the number of reviews submitted, verified, rejected, and appealed are made available to the public.


Continuous Improvement

The verification process is subject to continuous improvement based on user feedback, technological advancements, and emerging best practices.
Regular training and workshops are conducted for verification specialists to enhance their skills and stay updated.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Award Winning Support

We have technical support available 7 days a week from real people via chat, email or online ticket. No chat bots.

Instant Cancellation

If you sign up for a Creative Pro, we won’t lock you into a contract or charge any additional fees. You can cancel, downgrade or upgrade at any time. 

Ready to begin?

Sign up today and take control of your online reputation. Managing your reviews will always be free.