The Women’s Health Clinic
4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 3,253 reviews)
Very good10%
Very poor1%

UK based private women’s health clinic providing cutting edge non-surgical medical and aesthetic treatments.

The Women’s Health Clinic

4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 3,253 reviews)
Very good10%
Very poor1%

Review class: Testimonials

Friendly staff. Been a ye…..

May 22, 2018

Friendly staff. Been a year and all great down there .. Worth it. Absolutely. Had it after i had my daughter.

Avatar for Rebecca Akiriat
Rebecca Akiriat
Review class: Testimonials

The Nu V procedure is ver…..

May 19, 2018

The Nu V procedure is very personal to each individual as we all have it for different reasons but very friendly staff make you feel at ease and relaxed. I always feel comfortable with Deborah.

The clinic in Manchester light and airy which is refreshing, it is also exceptionally clean and welcoming.. I was made to feel completely at ease with Deborah and felt the procedure didn’t seem to take long due to her ability to work, chat and make me feel very relaxed. The procedure itself was not in any way painful internally although externally, I was a bit sensitive to it and it did sting a little. I still need 1 more treatment to finish my course so will not know how well it has worked until that time

Avatar for Gill Watson
Gill Watson
Review class: Testimonials

Very well looked after bu…..

May 18, 2018

Very well looked after but I don’t feel the result as been very successful. Don’t feel any difference

Avatar for Vicky Blake
Vicky Blake
Review class: Testimonials

Loved that this is a nurs…..

May 16, 2018

Loved that this is a nurse-led service and could fit me in at short notice.

During my consultation I was made to feel like I could ask anything and have made use of the nurse on the other end of the 0800 to ask a few questions since.

I’m now exploring other treatments at The Women’s Health Clinic. Can’t wait to come back :). I felt welcomed as soon as I stepped into the building, my nurse made it clear that no question was out of bounds and we covered a lot! The treatment itself was quite fast and not at all painful, better than a smear I would say. I felt a bit warm for the rest of the day but that soon passed.

Results continued to get better over a period of 6-8 weeks and the worry I had about leaking has now completely disappeared. Highly recommended!

Avatar for Gina Clarke
Gina Clarke
Review class: Testimonials

Very friendly and made me…..

May 16, 2018

Very friendly and made me feel completely at ease and not embarrassed by what was going on. Always checking to see if I was comfortable or in pain and offered to stop if necessary.. After the first treatment I still felt like I had slight incontinence. I think the second treatment has helped with that and also I think it has improved the appearance further. I intend to have the third later this year or early next year.

Review class: Testimonials

The staff took the time t…..

May 16, 2018

The staff took the time to talk through the treatment from start to finish and this helped put me more at ease when it started.

It was not the most comfortable of experiences but was handled thoughtfully and carefully.. I tried this treatment in the hope that it would help to prevent regular UTI’s. I suffer badly from the side effects of antibiotics and also cannot take HRT. It is hard to say if it has made a difference as I have still had infections over the last 3 months. Whether they are fewer than they would have been without the treatment is impossible to say.

Avatar for Bridgette Hall
Bridgette Hall
Review class: Testimonials

Love them!. Fantastic ser…..

May 16, 2018

Love them!. Fantastic service.. really happy with results.

Avatar for Louise Love
Louise Love
Review class: Testimonials

I‚Äôve been asked to do t…..

May 16, 2018

I’ve been asked to do this review 6 weeks after having my first Nu-V treatment at the Manchester clinic. I’m 33 years old and have had 4 big babies vaginally (8lbs Р10lb 11 🙈) my main reason for having this treatment was for vaginal tightening. I also suffered from very slight incontinence as in I would leak a little when sneezing/coughing and I would need to go to do a wee after near enough divert drink. Having my first treatment has sorted out both of these problems and has been worth every penny. My bladder is back to normal and my vag is now just as tight as it was before I had any of my children! It also looks neater and tighter from the outside too, like it’s shrunk back into place. I must point out tho I was not massive or anything before having this done. My husband said I was fine and our sex life was fine. I was paranoid about feeling looser after my last baby and also I has loss of sensation internally. Before I had the procedure done the nurse inserted her fingers and asked me to squeeze and she said I still had a good grip down there and it wasn’t that bad at all. Ok about the procedure, I felt nothing when it was done internally, felt a slight burning sensation when I was lazered externally. The it felt like my vag was on fire for about 2 hours lol then it disappeared. Within a few hours I noticed I didn’t need to go to the toilet as often. Over the next two days my bladder went back to normal and I no longer leaked when I sneezed etc. Externally I healed quite quickly by the next day I think, and within 2 days all redness had gone. By day 4 I felt healed. We had sex on day 5 and my husband felt I was tighter but I couldn’t tell. We did it again on day 7 and he felt I was tighter still and I could feel it too. Over the last 6 weeks I just seem to have gradually gotten tighter and tighter. I’m now really happy with the results. I don’t feel I need to do it again but want to top up this treatment at 6 months and then at 1 year to take advantage of the 2 for 3 on treatments as you have to have all 3 done within 1 year. I’m then hoping this should sort me out good and proper 😊. Regarding my loss of sensation internally it has come back a bit but not as much as I’d hoped. I recon having my last baby which was the biggest damaged my nerves or something. I’ve been told over time it may come back so time will tell. Overall I’m really very satisfied with this treatment it was worth every penny, it’s brought back my confidence, and I would totally recommend it to anyone who is considering this treatment!. I’ve been asked to do this review 6 weeks after having my first Nu-V treatment at the Manchester clinic. I’m 33 years old and have had 4 big babies vaginally (8lbs Р10lb 11 🙈) my main reason for having this treatment was for vaginal tightening. I also suffered from very slight incontinence as in I would leak a little when sneezing/coughing and I would need to go to do a wee after near enough divert drink. Having my first treatment has sorted out both of these problems and has been worth every penny. My bladder is back to normal and my vag is now just as tight as it was before I had any of my children! It also looks neater and tighter from the outside too, like it’s shrunk back into place. I must point out tho I was not massive or anything before having this done. My husband said I was fine and our sex life was fine. I was paranoid about feeling looser after my last baby and also I has loss of sensation internally. Before I had the procedure done the nurse inserted her fingers and asked me to squeeze and she said I still had a good grip down there and it wasn’t that bad at all. Ok about the procedure, I felt nothing when it was done internally, felt a slight burning sensation when I was lazered externally. The it felt like my vag was on fire for about 2 hours lol then it disappeared. Within a few hours I noticed I didn’t need to go to the toilet as often. Over the next two days my bladder went back to normal and I no longer leaked when I sneezed etc. Externally I healed quite quickly by the next day I think, and within 2 days all redness had gone. By day 4 I felt healed. We had sex on day 5 and my husband felt I was tighter but I couldn’t tell. We did it again on day 7 and he felt I was tighter still and I could feel it too. Over the last 6 weeks I just seem to have gradually gotten tighter and tighter. I’m now really happy with the results. I don’t feel I need to do it again but want to top up this treatment at 6 months and then at 1 year to take advantage of the 2 for 3 on treatments as you have to have all 3 done within 1 year. I’m then hoping this should sort me out good and proper 😊. Regarding my loss of sensation internally it has come back a bit but not as much as I’d hoped. I recon having my last baby which was the biggest damaged my nerves or something. I’ve been told over time it may come back so time will tell. Overall I’m really very satisfied with this treatment it was worth every penny, it’s brought back my confidence, and I would totally recommend it to anyone who is considering this treatment!

Avatar for Maary Raniay
Maary Raniay
Review class: Testimonials

No follow up at all and n…..

May 16, 2018

No follow up at all and no positive effects from the treatment, therefore I feel they just take your money and leave you to it. What a waste of £500. Im embarrassed I was taken in by the hype and was desperate enough to go and have the treatment. You live and learn I guess. Complete waste of money. It did not work at all for me

Avatar for Claire Grant
Claire Grant
Review class: Testimonials

Top service, as soon as I…..

May 16, 2018

Top service, as soon as I walked into the building, reception was friendly, the doctor I saw was very friendly, down to earth, made me feel at ease, all my anxiety I had built up going there disappeared. The doctor talked about the procedure and general stuff through out the procedure. Def recommmend. The procedure actually works !! I felt like a new woman

Avatar for Marion Wilson
Marion Wilson
Review class: Testimonials

Great but I havent had th…..

May 16, 2018

Great but I havent had that much of a change after two goes I had to try it though and pleased I did.. Didn’t have that much change but really pleased I did

Avatar for Sharon Taylor
Sharon Taylor
Review class: Testimonials

My nurse Deborah was fabu…..

May 16, 2018

My nurse Deborah was fabulous. Explained every detail. Very professional and easy to talk to. Great service.. Improvements after one appointment and looking forward to the 2nd in couple weeks

Highly recommended

Avatar for Michelle Crossland
Michelle Crossland
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Review class: Testimonials

Friendly staff. Been a ye…..

May 22, 2018

Friendly staff. Been a year and all great down there .. Worth it. Absolutely. Had it after i had my daughter.

Avatar for Rebecca Akiriat
Rebecca Akiriat
Review class: Testimonials

The Nu V procedure is ver…..

May 19, 2018

The Nu V procedure is very personal to each individual as we all have it for different reasons but very friendly staff make you feel at ease and relaxed. I always feel comfortable with Deborah.

The clinic in Manchester light and airy which is refreshing, it is also exceptionally clean and welcoming.. I was made to feel completely at ease with Deborah and felt the procedure didn’t seem to take long due to her ability to work, chat and make me feel very relaxed. The procedure itself was not in any way painful internally although externally, I was a bit sensitive to it and it did sting a little. I still need 1 more treatment to finish my course so will not know how well it has worked until that time

Avatar for Gill Watson
Gill Watson
Review class: Testimonials

Very well looked after bu…..

May 18, 2018

Very well looked after but I don’t feel the result as been very successful. Don’t feel any difference

Avatar for Vicky Blake
Vicky Blake
Review class: Testimonials

Loved that this is a nurs…..

May 16, 2018

Loved that this is a nurse-led service and could fit me in at short notice.

During my consultation I was made to feel like I could ask anything and have made use of the nurse on the other end of the 0800 to ask a few questions since.

I’m now exploring other treatments at The Women’s Health Clinic. Can’t wait to come back :). I felt welcomed as soon as I stepped into the building, my nurse made it clear that no question was out of bounds and we covered a lot! The treatment itself was quite fast and not at all painful, better than a smear I would say. I felt a bit warm for the rest of the day but that soon passed.

Results continued to get better over a period of 6-8 weeks and the worry I had about leaking has now completely disappeared. Highly recommended!

Avatar for Gina Clarke
Gina Clarke
Review class: Testimonials

Very friendly and made me…..

May 16, 2018

Very friendly and made me feel completely at ease and not embarrassed by what was going on. Always checking to see if I was comfortable or in pain and offered to stop if necessary.. After the first treatment I still felt like I had slight incontinence. I think the second treatment has helped with that and also I think it has improved the appearance further. I intend to have the third later this year or early next year.

Review class: Testimonials

Service was good at time …..

May 16, 2018

Service was good at time of the treatment the nurse was lovely however the treatment itself did not work for me in fact I think it made the problem worse.

Further more there has been poor aftercare follow up. No one one has contacted me, you only receive these periodic questionairs which ask to many intimate questions and two it’s very long winded therefore unnessarily takes too much time to complete. It is clear they do not read your answers to the question as no one has gotten in touch to acknowledge my lack of satisfaction.. Several months after initial treatment I think it’s safe to say the treatment did not work for me.

There are no guarantees with treatment despite boasting of greats stats of success.

The treatment is self is also uncomfortable and the cystitis like pain you get for a few hours after is even worse.

I was optimistic at first but have found I am no better than I was before so obviously disappointed.

Anyway it’s been an experience but one I would not recommend maybe it would be successful for others but be prepared that it maybe just a waste of time and money.

Avatar for Elizabeth Akinwumi
Elizabeth Akinwumi
Review class: Testimonials

My nurse Deborah was fabu…..

May 16, 2018

My nurse Deborah was fabulous. Explained every detail. Very professional and easy to talk to. Great service.. Improvements after one appointment and looking forward to the 2nd in couple weeks

Highly recommended

Avatar for Michelle Crossland
Michelle Crossland
Review class: Testimonials

I‚Äôve been asked to do t…..

May 16, 2018

I’ve been asked to do this review 6 weeks after having my first Nu-V treatment at the Manchester clinic. I’m 33 years old and have had 4 big babies vaginally (8lbs Р10lb 11 🙈) my main reason for having this treatment was for vaginal tightening. I also suffered from very slight incontinence as in I would leak a little when sneezing/coughing and I would need to go to do a wee after near enough divert drink. Having my first treatment has sorted out both of these problems and has been worth every penny. My bladder is back to normal and my vag is now just as tight as it was before I had any of my children! It also looks neater and tighter from the outside too, like it’s shrunk back into place. I must point out tho I was not massive or anything before having this done. My husband said I was fine and our sex life was fine. I was paranoid about feeling looser after my last baby and also I has loss of sensation internally. Before I had the procedure done the nurse inserted her fingers and asked me to squeeze and she said I still had a good grip down there and it wasn’t that bad at all. Ok about the procedure, I felt nothing when it was done internally, felt a slight burning sensation when I was lazered externally. The it felt like my vag was on fire for about 2 hours lol then it disappeared. Within a few hours I noticed I didn’t need to go to the toilet as often. Over the next two days my bladder went back to normal and I no longer leaked when I sneezed etc. Externally I healed quite quickly by the next day I think, and within 2 days all redness had gone. By day 4 I felt healed. We had sex on day 5 and my husband felt I was tighter but I couldn’t tell. We did it again on day 7 and he felt I was tighter still and I could feel it too. Over the last 6 weeks I just seem to have gradually gotten tighter and tighter. I’m now really happy with the results. I don’t feel I need to do it again but want to top up this treatment at 6 months and then at 1 year to take advantage of the 2 for 3 on treatments as you have to have all 3 done within 1 year. I’m then hoping this should sort me out good and proper 😊. Regarding my loss of sensation internally it has come back a bit but not as much as I’d hoped. I recon having my last baby which was the biggest damaged my nerves or something. I’ve been told over time it may come back so time will tell. Overall I’m really very satisfied with this treatment it was worth every penny, it’s brought back my confidence, and I would totally recommend it to anyone who is considering this treatment!. I’ve been asked to do this review 6 weeks after having my first Nu-V treatment at the Manchester clinic. I’m 33 years old and have had 4 big babies vaginally (8lbs Р10lb 11 🙈) my main reason for having this treatment was for vaginal tightening. I also suffered from very slight incontinence as in I would leak a little when sneezing/coughing and I would need to go to do a wee after near enough divert drink. Having my first treatment has sorted out both of these problems and has been worth every penny. My bladder is back to normal and my vag is now just as tight as it was before I had any of my children! It also looks neater and tighter from the outside too, like it’s shrunk back into place. I must point out tho I was not massive or anything before having this done. My husband said I was fine and our sex life was fine. I was paranoid about feeling looser after my last baby and also I has loss of sensation internally. Before I had the procedure done the nurse inserted her fingers and asked me to squeeze and she said I still had a good grip down there and it wasn’t that bad at all. Ok about the procedure, I felt nothing when it was done internally, felt a slight burning sensation when I was lazered externally. The it felt like my vag was on fire for about 2 hours lol then it disappeared. Within a few hours I noticed I didn’t need to go to the toilet as often. Over the next two days my bladder went back to normal and I no longer leaked when I sneezed etc. Externally I healed quite quickly by the next day I think, and within 2 days all redness had gone. By day 4 I felt healed. We had sex on day 5 and my husband felt I was tighter but I couldn’t tell. We did it again on day 7 and he felt I was tighter still and I could feel it too. Over the last 6 weeks I just seem to have gradually gotten tighter and tighter. I’m now really happy with the results. I don’t feel I need to do it again but want to top up this treatment at 6 months and then at 1 year to take advantage of the 2 for 3 on treatments as you have to have all 3 done within 1 year. I’m then hoping this should sort me out good and proper 😊. Regarding my loss of sensation internally it has come back a bit but not as much as I’d hoped. I recon having my last baby which was the biggest damaged my nerves or something. I’ve been told over time it may come back so time will tell. Overall I’m really very satisfied with this treatment it was worth every penny, it’s brought back my confidence, and I would totally recommend it to anyone who is considering this treatment!

Avatar for Maary Raniay
Maary Raniay
Review class: Testimonials

No follow up at all and n…..

May 16, 2018

No follow up at all and no positive effects from the treatment, therefore I feel they just take your money and leave you to it. What a waste of £500. Im embarrassed I was taken in by the hype and was desperate enough to go and have the treatment. You live and learn I guess. Complete waste of money. It did not work at all for me

Avatar for Claire Grant
Claire Grant
Review class: Testimonials

Top service, as soon as I…..

May 16, 2018

Top service, as soon as I walked into the building, reception was friendly, the doctor I saw was very friendly, down to earth, made me feel at ease, all my anxiety I had built up going there disappeared. The doctor talked about the procedure and general stuff through out the procedure. Def recommmend. The procedure actually works !! I felt like a new woman

Avatar for Marion Wilson
Marion Wilson
Review class: Testimonials

Great but I havent had th…..

May 16, 2018

Great but I havent had that much of a change after two goes I had to try it though and pleased I did.. Didn’t have that much change but really pleased I did

Avatar for Sharon Taylor
Sharon Taylor
Review class: Testimonials

The ladies that i encount…..

May 16, 2018

The ladies that i encountered during my treatments were very good at putting me at ease, everything was explained fully to me each time i visited. My treatment was to help with pain i experience during intercourse due to my endometriosis. I believe this treatment is helpful for alot of women, unfortunately for me & my reasons for trying this treatment, im still encountering some discomforts. But i would still recommend

Avatar for Amanda harper
Amanda harper

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