The Women’s Health Clinic
4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 3,253 reviews)
Very good10%
Very poor1%

UK based private women’s health clinic providing cutting edge non-surgical medical and aesthetic treatments.

The Women’s Health Clinic

4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 3,253 reviews)
Very good10%
Very poor1%

Review class: Testimonials

5 Stars..

July 2, 2024

5 Stars

Avatar for Elizabeth Douse
Elizabeth Douse
Review class: Testimonials

Great service, with sensi..

July 2, 2024

Great service, with sensitivity

Avatar for Renny Shak
Renny Shak
Review class: Testimonials

5 Stars..

July 2, 2024

5 Stars

Avatar for Jackie Taylor
Jackie Taylor
Review class: Testimonials

Brilliant service for bus..

June 30, 2024

Brilliant service for busy professionals. Enables self care perfectly.

Avatar for Kerry Hingley
Kerry Hingley
Review class: opening hours

Monthly survey summary results for: Opening hours

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Opening hours

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Privacy and confidentiality

Monthly survey summary results for: Privacy and Confidentiality

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Privacy and Confidentiality

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Reception team

Monthly survey summary results for: Reception Staff

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Reception Staff

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Telephone and chat team

Monthly survey summary results for: Telephone

June 30, 2024

103 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Telephone

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Practitioners

Monthly survey summary results for: Practitioner

June 30, 2024

147 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Practitioner

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Facilities

Monthly survey summary results for: Facilities

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Facilities

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Information

Monthly survey summary results for: Information

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Information

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Availability

Monthly survey summary results for: Availability

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Availability

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Company Details
claimed profile copy

Claimed profile page

additonal services copy

Pays for additional services

reply rate copy

Replied to 100% negative reviews

review platforms copy

Company highlights

Company Details
claimed profile copy

Claimed profile page

additonal services copy

Pays for additional services

reply rate copy

Replied to 100% negative reviews

review platforms copy

Company highlights

Review class: Testimonials

5 Stars..

July 2, 2024

5 Stars

Avatar for Elizabeth Douse
Elizabeth Douse
Review class: Testimonials

Great service, with sensi..

July 2, 2024

Great service, with sensitivity

Avatar for Renny Shak
Renny Shak
Review class: Testimonials

5 Stars..

July 2, 2024

5 Stars

Avatar for Jackie Taylor
Jackie Taylor
Review class: Testimonials

Brilliant service for bus..

June 30, 2024

Brilliant service for busy professionals. Enables self care perfectly.

Avatar for Kerry Hingley
Kerry Hingley
Review class: opening hours

Monthly survey summary results for: Opening hours

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Opening hours

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Privacy and confidentiality

Monthly survey summary results for: Privacy and Confidentiality

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Privacy and Confidentiality

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Reception team

Monthly survey summary results for: Reception Staff

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Reception Staff

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Telephone and chat team

Monthly survey summary results for: Telephone

June 30, 2024

103 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Telephone

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Practitioners

Monthly survey summary results for: Practitioner

June 30, 2024

147 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Practitioner

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Facilities

Monthly survey summary results for: Facilities

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Facilities

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Information

Monthly survey summary results for: Information

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Information

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey
Review class: Availability

Monthly survey summary results for: Availability

June 30, 2024

49 clients awarded us 5-stars in grading our Availability

Avatar for Independent survey
Independent survey

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woman2silvery blue The Womens Health Clinic